Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lacordaire Academy Annual Book Sale 2012

I've been wondering what I should post as my first blog post of the summer after my Spring 2012 semester ended and to finally post something in May because May is almost over (Though I've had ideas), and then I received this as a request to write about on here (My first blog request that I am able to carry out!) and figured what better way to open up a summer of blogging than with my high school's annual summer book sale.

I went to high school at Lacordaire Academy and the one tradition in which my family and I continue to participate even after I graduated is the Annual Book Sale. Every year towards the end of May a book sale takes place in the school's gym, the books and other material separated by genre and extremely affordable (the highest cost is $2 for a hardcover book). I love going there because it is such a relaxing atmosphere and gives me a chance to look at all of the different books (which can sometimes be overwhelming because eventually I have to make choices and there are so many to choose from) and encourages me to read more. This year, it is also part of the reason why I want to begin writing book reviews and such for this blog or perhaps my YouTube channel, which is a summer project I've been brainstorming for a while now (We'll see what happens. More about this later.).

Alas, the book sale is wrapping up for this year, but there is one more chance to scavenge for some books and other material. Tomorrow, Sunday, is the book sale's final day of the year, so don't miss out! Check out the photo below for more information! :)


  1. Thank you Ms Sears -- I love a good used book sale!

  2. Just to let you know, Sunday was very productive. I think there were a bit less books left over than last year:)
