Thursday, November 8, 2018

Thoughts on Turning 28 Years Old

A lot has occurred to me lately, one being that I really need to resume blogging on here again. 

I had this rule that I should blog at least once every month, and now I have broken that rule and am behind. I never thought that would happen. I've been on hiatus for several reasons, but I also don't want to lose this blog either.

So yeah, I am now 28 years old. I started this blog when I was (Wow!) 20. 

When I turned 25, it was a big deal because I considered it a milestone. When I turned 26, I was excited because I liked the number, but I was also perturbed because this meant that I was now in my LATE twenties. By the time 27 rolled around, I wasn't sure what the significance of my age would be, but then I discovered a connection between myself and Pennywise, Stephen King's It, so then I was quite pleased with being 27 as well.

But when I was thinking about turning 28, I initially lacked any knowledge of what would make this particular year unique, other than the fact that I have only two years of my twenties left, which I don't really want to think about much.

I like random, not as significant birthdays though. There's less pressure to make the celebration "epic."

But then it dawned on me that 28 marks 10 years of me as an adult. And my, what many experiences and life lessons I've made, and am still making. 

As a side note, a few years ago I also created a main fictional character who is 28, which is a nice association too. I also tend to prefer even numbers, so this is another thing I like about 28. LOL

I graduated high school at 18 (TEN years ago!), so therefore these past 10 years have consisted of me going to and graduating college and starting my freelancing, along with part time jobs and other extracurriculars along the way. During this past decade was when I created this blog, of course, as well.

So I'd like to celebrate these last 10 years throughout this year with a new "Taking it One Stef at a Time" series of small essays detailing some life lessons I have learned so far. There's too much information for one blog post. lol ☺️

One lesson I have learned, that I have known and realized since childhood anyway, is to try to treat everyday like it is your birthday. You know that just general good feeling that you have on your birthday when everything is heartwarming and positive? Everyday should be like that. 

The way I see it, birthdays are a celebration of gratefulness for being alive another year.

Recently I went to a friend's web series screening a few days before his 30th birthday and asked him how he felt about soon exiting his twenties.

"Good," he responded, confidently and matter-of-factly. And I believed him too. He seems prepared for this next decade of his life, so I am hoping to treat my next birthdays the same way. This is not the end, but a new beginning, and I've had plenty of those these past 10 years.

In these essays I'm also hoping to be a little bit more candid and honest. A lot of times I don't like revealing much about myself (typical Scorpio LOL), but I think these essays in particular probably call for it a bit.

Stay tuned to the wisdom and stories I hope to impart. At least all of the wisdom a 28-year-old would have anyway. :)

Either that or I'll just save all of these essays for a future memoir. I've been wanting to write one! lol 

28! Let's make this year great! That's my motto for this year. My motto for when I turned 26 was Twenty-Sexy. ;-)