Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Real Influential Women Role Models (Real and Fictitious): Women's History Month Blog Posts Update

Hi there, everyone! Happy Women's History Month! :D

You might be wondering why I haven't been delivering weekly "Real Influential Women Role Models (Real and Fictitious)" blog posts this year like I have done every year during Women's History Month since this blog's conception. Well, in addition to me not having anything very solid planned for this year, this has been a crazy month for me. Women's History Month this year kicked off with personal health issues (literally right away, like around 1 AM on March 1) which landed me in the emergency room for a few hours later that night. Then more stuff happened, which I will explain in my next blog post.

I then had work to do among other things that prevented me from blogging, which brings me to now. I actually have a total of two blog posts up my sleeves for Women's History Month and my series this year, both of which were somewhat inspired by my illness believe it or not. The thing is, they probably will not be ready for publishing this month. However, I still plan on writing them and publishing them for you at some point, even if it's not this month. Nothing wrong with writing about amazing women outside of Women's History Month. ;)

Stay tuned! Happy Women's History Month once again! :D