Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Got Mentioned on an Actress's Website!!!


I came across this tonight and it lifted my spirits a bit. Rachel Dunwoody was an actress who played Chris Gorman in The Barn Theatre's production of Rumors this past September in Montville. I reviewed this play for Montville Patch and it turns out the link to my article got posted on her website. My name and quote is right there smack dab on the webpage:, .

The reason why I post this is because I received some news tonight that kind of discouraged me a bit. Plus, I am still trying my best to surge up the courage and confidence I know I have deep down inside that has not entirely taken its full form yet.

However, seeing stuff like this gives me the encouragement I need to continue what I am doing and the reminder of why I do it. I know that maybe perhaps I am indeed on the right path. I just have to keep going, have faith, and keep my mind, focus, and purpose in check. I mean, it's pretty cool knowing that an actress whose work I have acknowledged has acknowledged my work as well. It's a good feeling. :D

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