Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Real Influential Women Role Models (Real and Fictitious): Sara Von Gillern

Sara von Gillern

Sara Von Gillern (So You Think You Can Dance Season 3) Back in high school, I was obsessed with FOX’s "So You Think You Can Dance." It still is the one show I watch on television because I admire the dancing talents and hot male contestants lol. One contestant that stood out to me was resident b-girl Sara Von Gillern, one of the few female break dancers the show has seen. In one episode, she states that she was a journalism major is college, so ever since then I felt a connection with her. On the show she always had this confidence and maturity about her and she always looked like she enjoyed herself during her routines.

I also read an interview where she discusses how women are often regarded as sexual objects and how she disapproves. The following is the full quote from her interview with Daemon’s TV when asked what she hopes to hear from fans: “Just that, hopefully for the girls, that they’re inspired to a be little bit stronger because I think a lot of time in the hip hop world the video girls wear the revealing clothes and dance around, just sexual objects. What I do is more a strength and shows that woman can be powerful too. Hopefully, it inspires them to dance and be themselves.” This quote of hers really stuck with me and ever since she had become one of my idols. Click here if you wish to read the rest of the interview
Sara Von Gillern's Daemon's TV Interview

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