Friday, March 18, 2011

Young Females in the Music Business: Bringing Innocence Back to Music

This whole week I have been hearing a lot about this new young female popstar Rebecca Black and her new single "Friday." A lot of people have been poking fun at the child, annoyed with her and her lack of musical talents, but like always I am going to go against the norm and defend her.

I had the liberty to provide you with the music video to the song so you know what I am talking about just in case you haven't heard or seen it yet. I know it is very corny and cliche. She's not a very good singer and one of my friends even compared her to Fran Drescher (whom I love by the way but let's be honest her voice isn't that pleasant). The song is pointless, the kids are annoying for some reason, and the lyrics are not creative at all. However, I know a majority of people are going to disagree with me, but I like the song and I like her.

As repetitive and irritating it may be, the song actually puts me in a good mood. She's happy about spending the weekend with her friends. That's the gist of the song. That's all it is. There is absolutely no reference to underage drinking, drugs, or sex. The partying she and her friends do are dancing and singing! It's all innocent and a breath of fresh air from what you see nowadays in the media. 

Why is it that Ke$ha has such a huge following when all she sings about is drinking and partying, sending raunchy messages (though I would admit that I do enjoy listening to her music and "We R Who We R" does send a positive message) but everybody is treating Black like she is this musical devil when she actually sings about something positive and her message is decent and tame. We can all relate to looking forward to the weekend. Both women are pretty much talentless to an extent (because I don't think either Ke$ha or Black is completely terrible), and neither of their lyrics are diverse but are rather bland, so I don't understand what gives Ke$ha a higher advantage. 

There is question though if she skips school on a Friday. Uh oh! A bad message??? Well, you can look at it like that. However, perhaps you can also look at it as her waiting for the bus to take her home from school for the weekend as opposed to taking her to school from home. Then she runs into her underage driving friends. Now, okay, this part of the song is just funny. There's this big dilemma of what seat she should chose. It's just not to be taken seriously so I wouldn't worry about it much.

The last thing I would like to address is how people are constantly calling her the next Justin Bieber. Um, why? What are you trying to say? 

Are you trying to say that they both lack decent vocals? Because that kid can SING! The only reason why I don't like him is the hype and always seeing his face, but that goes for anything that is overplayed after a while. 

Are you trying to say that Black is going to be the next child superstar and eventually we are all going to get tired of her? Well, maybe. It doesn't hurt to say that people are probably tired of her already. 

But, are you trying to say that she is the next young superstar who is going to inherit a success like Bieber's? Because if you are, prepare to see a lot more of Rebecca Black in the future, folks.

My friend Celeste then introduced me to this kid whose song is just as painful yet tame as Black's. This young lady's name is Jenna Rose and in this song appropriately named "My Jeans," she discusses her jeans and how celebrities wear the same ones as she. The plot of this song is even less substantial than the last. I don't understand why these songs seem to follow a trend of describing the girls' morning routines, hanging out with friends, and underage driving, but I can't say I entirely dislike it. Like Black, Rose is not horrible, but yet she's not very good either.

I wouldn't necessarily qualify either girl as a real influential woman role model just yet considering we haven't seen much of them yet, but let's just say they are both honorary members of "Real Influential Women Role Models (Real and Fictitious)." ;)

I guess what I am trying to say is it could be worse. I applaud these girls for putting a more cheery spin on music nowadays as opposed to other kinds of music that can actually be derogatory, especially towards women. These girls are doing what girls should do at this age: be happy and enjoy life the natural way. Notice how bright and cheery the colors and lights are in the videos? 

There are people who make fun of them, trying to fathom just how these girls are getting record deals and air time because of their lack of talent. I do it too because it's laughable and shocking when we see and hear it. We are not used to this kind of cutesy and simplistic music in today's society so when it happens we think it's a joke. Bottom line is, they are the ones doing it, we aren't, so we probably shouldn't have any say whatsoever in what they do and if their lives skyrocket to success. They are getting their names out there, beginning their careers, and we are talking about them. They are accomplishing a lot for people who haven't hit their twenties yet, so kudos to them. 

Some may see this as music going downhill. Maybe we should look at it as going uphill. 

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