Saturday, January 2, 2016

Welcome to "Taking it One 'Stef' at a Time"! (Again)

Greetings! and welcome to my blog "Taking it One 'Stef' at a Time."

My name is Stef (short for Stefanie) and the title is a play on words "Taking it one step at a time." I choose this title because a) it goes well with my name and b) the saying itself represents where I am in my life right now.

Happy New Year 2016! I consider this new year to be full of new experiences and new beginnings for me. It is a time for me to become a whole new confident Stef who does not look down on herself or constantly compare herself to others, which is something I have a tendency to do. I am proud of myself and the life I have lived and want to begin the new year not thinking otherwise...


Wow. A lot hasn't changed since my very first blog post ever, has it?

But then again, I have come a long way since then as well. 

Happy 5 Year Anniversary to "Taking it One 'Stef' at a Time"!!! :D I've been looking forward to including this in my "Happy Anniversary 'Taking it One 'Stef' at a Time'" series!

Can you believe I have been doing this for FIVE YEARS now? Wow! Quite the milestone! All those series! All those essays! All of those experiences I have shared with you! :)

Since my first blog post, I have graduated from Montclair State University with a Bachelors degree in English and now write for numerous publications, way more than when I first started, and have created my own professional website. I also have taken my thoughts to my YouTube channel and began to master vlogging. :)

Like my one year anniversary, I am going to take this opportunity to share my top all time blog posts since the beginning once again. :) And they are...

#9: Real Influential Women Role Models (Real and Fictitious): Susan B. Anthony
Publication Date: March 5, 2011
Page Views: 1394

My very first Women's History Month post and the very first post of the "Real Influential Women Role Models 'Real and Fictitious'" series!

#8: Moritz Stiefel's Hair: 'Mind-Blowing' Theories about the Bumbling "Spring Awakening" Supporting Character
Publication Date: June 25, 2014
Page Views: 1419

I blew my own mind with these theories! I was just reading this one again the other night and am still impressed with myself. ;)

#7: Why John Tucker Must Die is Better Than Mean Girls
Publication Date: August 1, 2012
Page Views: 1843

This remains to be one of my most favorite blog posts of all time. Considering that John Tucker Must Die came out in 2006, that movie is celebrating a milestone anniversary this year as well, a 10 year one! Unlike the rest of my female generation, I always preferred that movie to Mean Girls, and when you read this piece you will find out why. I even often use this one as a writing sample for jobs I think. :)

#6: The Symbolism of Angel Dumott Schunard in RENT: My Interpretation
Publication Date: January 2, 2011
Page Views: 3044

Happy 5 Year Anniversary to this blog post as well! It was published the same night I created this blog! Lol I was so excited about getting started that I wanted to keep posting blog posts that night, my introductory one and then this one. This is my first ever analytical blog post as well as my first Christmas blog post as well as my first Christmas special blog post all rolled into one. I recently shared this one again this past Christmas. :)

#5: PBS Kids TV Shows and their New Characters that are Actually Worth our While
Publication Date: June 21, 2011
Page Views: 4718

Nothing like a PBS Kids character essay, am I right? :) This was a follow up to the original

#4: The Problems I Have with FOX's "Glee": Storylines (mainly Quinn's)
Publication Date: September 5, 2011
Page Views: 5122

There comes a time (or multiple times really) in every writer's life when she/he looks at something she wrote and thinks, "Meh." That's how I feel about this blog post. It's a decent piece of mine, of course, but I don't really feel any sentimentality towards it anymore. I don't go back to it and read it again like I do other pieces. There are actually previously published blog posts on here that I have drafted throughout the years because I am not as proud of them as I used to be or I don't believe in what I wrote anymore. There are installments of "The Problem's I Have with FOX's 'Glee'" that have been drafted or never even seen the light of day. This one I actually like and so therefore it made the cut to stay live, even though I think I have removed it in the past, but I'm a little disappointed that it is on this list. I feel like there are plenty other better blog posts of mine of which I am more proud that could've taken this slot. 

#3: Why I'm Not Crazy About the New "Whose Line"
Publication Date: July 17, 2013
Page Views: 5151

This is actually one of my most famous blog posts to date. I still sometimes get comments on it and I think it is the blog post with the most comments on here. Since then, I've grown to appreciate Aisha on the show. ;) I still think it needs some Drew flavor though.

#2: PBS Kids TV Shows and their Not-So-Heartwarming New Characters
Publication Date: June 10, 2011
Page Views: 14286

My first ever essay about PBS Kids, the leader of many more. This one was always famous, even for my one year anniversary, along with its sequel.

#1: Robert Roldan, Don't Ever Wipe That Smile Off Your Face
Publication Date: September 27, 2013
Page Views: 17500

Of course a "So You Think You Can Dance" themed blog post made the list. :) Surprisingly it's not about Teddy Coffey. I wrote a lot about him.

I didn't expect this one to get as popular as it did, let alone be my top blog post of all time. It is often number one on my "What's Everybody Reading Lately?" list. 

This was more so supposed to be a heartfelt letter from me to one of my favorite "So You Think You Can Dance" dancers, Robert Roldan, after his accident. Not really something I wanted shared too often. At one point it was one of the first links you find when you Google him and now it is still on the first page of his Google search. At first this was a bit embarrassing for me, because this wasn't the intention of the piece and I had poured my heart out into it, bearing some private emotions. Plus, I wasn't sure how Robert would appreciate me writing about him in this way. I did post it on social media as a way of sending it to him because I wanted to get the message across to him and I didn't know of any other way to do it. But now, I guess it's just a sweet memorable piece. It's nice to see how well Robert is doing now. :)

Well, there you have it! I look forward to continuing this blog! There are plenty of blog posts in my drafts that I look forward to hopefully share at some point as well as other future projects I am brainstorming.

Thank you all so much for your support and for sticking around all of these years! I appreciate and love your readership! Here's to the next five years! :D

Just another cute detail. Notice how I posted this one at 6:30 PM, just like my very first blog post? ;)

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